Friday, December 11, 2015

Waiting and waiting

             Nothing new to share! Anne has been consulting with a high-risk OB specialist, and this doctor doesn't think an early induction is necessary. She would still like to schedule an induction, just for the convenience of us having a date on the calendar to be there. Ben is out of the picture (a long, sad story, but probably for the best), and Anne does not want to be in the delivery room alone. She knows that the likelihood that I would be able to be in the delivery room with her without an induction date to work with is slim, so she is really trying to talk her doctors into giving her a date. She goes back early next week (she'll be almost 38 weeks at that point), so hopefully they will either set a date or let her know that she is showing signs that she will be going into labor soon. We've chatted a bit this week and she has actually felt pretty good, so I am very thankful for that.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and Anne good wishes! Hoping all is well!
